Thursday, October 16, 2008

Foals that are left!

Here is an e-mail I received with more info on the foals!


I have placed 15 of them with homes and still trying to get more placed. I have inserted all the foals that are left. Could you please send them out to all your contacts. The foals are still $500.00 per foal then $250.00 for hauling. There are a few that have been put back on the list due to someone not able to get or one reason or another. Thanks Again for all your help. Here are the foals that are left, some I have put multiples of the foal. There are 21 left all together. They are all between 6 months old they have been pasture raised, just weaned from their moms on 10/13/08 . They are all people friendly. The farmer is hauling these foals out on Oct.23 rd heading for Tucson first , then to Nevada. There is 2 drop locations. Please if interested get in touch with me so I can get the foal you like on the load coming this day. [Derek & Audrey Bayer] Time is running out for these foals so please if interested get in touch with me asap.

Breed is Belgium or per heron/quarter mares, sires are either Quarter or paint or thoroughbred, they are 5 to 6 months old. Colt have not been gelded due to their age. They are almost ready to be gelded. They are not registered but can be with warmblood assoc. sport horse assoc. some with pinto horse assoc, and there is a few others. Also health is excellent, they have been pasture raised and are people friendly. They have a had the best of start in life and it is good for the growth.

Thanks Again,



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