Thursday, August 21, 2008

Vet Check

The vet check went great! What a relief! The white horse who we have named Pistol has a great prognosis! Despite being very thin & weak has a lot of spirit left in him! The vet could tell by how Pistol was acting with him that once he get's to feeling better he is going to be a handful...I think the name Pistol will suit him well! :) Pistol had his teeth worked on which will help him chew his food better and digest & absorb the nutrients. He has quite a bit of sand in his stomach so the doctor put a tube in through his nose to his stomach with mineral oil & Metamucil which will help move the sand out through his rear end. He'll be on a special diet over the next month to help get him back into shape. The vet said he's probably around 15 or 16 years old and is Arab & Appaloosa mix. The two "A's" can make for a big pain in the "A". :) I can't express what a relief it is that he has a chance!

The black mare, which is still nameless until I get to know her personality, is in good shape. We did not have the vet examine her today. We wanted to concentrate on Pistol. We'll have her checked out next week. She's eating, drinking, & pooping normally!

Our good friend Allison Reynolds came over while the vet was here to give me moral support!! She knew just the right questions to ask and help me through this process! She's bringing over a nice care package for the horses too....good yummy hay, new halters & lead ropes, & worming meds! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Allison!

I'll continue to post updates & pictures as the horses improve! Thanks so much for all the support!

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