Monday, September 29, 2008
Busy L.A. animal shelters face cutbacks
Romoland resident looking to rescue horses!
Debate over slaughtering horses gains new life
Click here to be directed to MSNBC's website.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Update on stray dogs!
The vet clinic made contact with the registered owner of the lab named "Hawk". This gentleman had given him away and gave us a phone number of owner #2. Owner #2 had given him away and gave us a phone number for owner #3. Owner #3 had given him away too! My heart sank!! So owner #3 gave us a number for Owner #4! I was starting to realize no one wanted this poor dog! We made contact with the daughter of Owner #4. The daughter said she came home from school and the dog was gone but her mom was thinking about giving the dog away anyways! Yeah right, I thought! The daughter gave us a number for her mom where we also left a message. At that point I realized this dog was definitely not wanted! So I left the vet's office with the conclusion it was going to be up to me to find homes for the dogs. I was pretty sure that the golden retriever was from the same owner. They showed up together and seemed bonded!
I ran an errand and stopped back by the vet's office to find out if they could find out how old "Hawk" is. The receptionist told me that Owner #3 called back and was willing to take Hawk back! I was thrilled! I made contact with Owner #3 and we set up a meeting spot. I asked her about the golden retriever and she said that she had given both dogs to Owner #4 because she was no longer able to keep them. When the dogs saw her they went crazy with excitement! I asked her if she was able to take care of them. She said she really wasn't able to keep them but did not want them abandoned or roaming the streets. She told me the lab is papered but not the golden retriever "Duke". I told her I would help her find homes for them. A friend of mine knows of a golden retriever rescue so we may be able to help that one. I would think the lab would be easy to place too. I was a little hesitant to give them back to her but I do think she will take care of them for as long as she can. I told her if she becomes desperate in getting rid of them to call me and I'll take him back.
Right after the vet tech scanned him and a chip # popped up I was really thinking someone was going to get a great call saying their loved one had been found and their worry's would be over. Unfortunately that was not the case. Owner #4 lives several miles from me and I guess it's possible but I have a hard time believing the dogs traveled the distance from their home to mine!
Does anyone want to adopt a dog? :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stray Dogs!

Horses in So Cal~free!
I received an e-mail regarding some horses in need. I left a message last week to get the details about these horses but have not heard back. I thought I'd post the info here if anyone is interested!
Melinda Setterman received information from Audrey Reynolds of Saving Horses, Inc. There is a group of horses in our area which need help. 40 horses, all four year olds, halter broke only, free to good homes. Purebred registered T-breds, Quarter horses, and Paints.
Please call
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wild Horse Summit
Wild Horse Summit
National Rescue Ride 2008
The rescue ride will be at Casper's Park on Oct 19, 2008. From 9 AM - 12 PM. If you'd like to make a donation please contact me through the comment link! Thank you!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Riverside homeowner turns horse rescuer
Click here for the Press Enterprise article!
I also have an update on Parris, the dark gray Appaloosa pony. Denise was able to ride her on Sunday, just 1 day after she left our home! She said she did awesome!! She needs some reining work and needs her confidence built up but other than that did really well! I'll be going out to see her soon and will hopefully get some video of her in action!
Thank you!
Park Ranger Horses Need Immediate Help
Thomas Marino
Cell Phone: 818.298.4362
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Parris officially left for her new home!
The vet came out on Thursday to do a physical on her...everything checked out good. We had her teeth floated and she was vaccinated. Dr. Gibbs guessed her age to be 8 or 9.
So far Sandy has not minded her being gone. Chris & I had some concern that he would be upset and would stop eating but so far so good!!! He has been warming up to me lately too! I think the apple cookie treats help! ;) He'll come up to me now while I'm cleaning his stall and nuzzle me. He'll let me catch him & pet him too.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Parris has a home!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Thursday Sept 4, 2008
Now that Sandy has his energy back, I can tell he was mishandled in the past. He's afraid of the lead rope & halter and hand shy. He's very mistrustful which makes me sad because I was hoping he & I would have a bond since I nursed him back to health. I've been trying to be very gentle with him and hopefully that will win him over....with the help of carrots! :) I plan on keeping him at least for another couple of months. I want to see him put weight back on and keep it on.
These pictures were taken today.
Parris is a doll!!!! She has the sweetest disposition! I can tell she is a little mistrustful but she doesn't run away from me like Sandy does. Once I pet her & talk to her she's like putty in my hands! I am really tempted to keep her for my kids! I just don't think my husband will go for that! :)
I have been trying to contact the Press Enterprise to see about getting an article printed in the paper about these horses. I have heard so many awful stories about people abandoning horses because they are unable to take care of them. People are dumping horses off in the desert & the Norco river bed. People who have lost their homes are leaving their horses behind to starve! I want to get the word out that there are options instead of resorting to such cruelty. When I took on these horses I knew absolutely nothing about rescues. We are not in the financial situation to take on a bunch of horses but if I could act as a liaison between horse owners looking to find a home or rescue, I would most certainly do that! I have been in contact with the President of Hanaeleh, a horse rescue facility in Orange County, and she is willing to help with rescues & adoptions too!